How To Read English Basic Grammar

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There are some basic rules of sentence change for our daily conversation.

1.Active Voice:Subject যখন নিজেই প্রত্যক্ষভাবে কাজ করে তাকে  Active Voice  বলে।

চেনার উপায়ঃSubject এর নাম বাক্যের প্রথমে থাকে এবং Tense এর মূল গঠন ঠিক থাকে।
Example: They are playing cricket.
            He has planted trees.
2.Passive Voice:Subject নিজে কাজ করে না তবে ফল সেই ভোগ করে বা  দ্বারা সূচিত কাজটি সে গ্রহন করে তাকে Passive Voice  বলে।
চেনার উপায়ঃ Subject এর নাম বাক্যের শেষে থাকে বা উহ্য থাকে এবং Subject এর  নামটি বাক্যের শুরুতে থাকে ও  Tense   এর মূল গঠন ঠিক থাকে না।
Example:Cricket is being played by them.
            Trees have been planted by him.
***Active Voice  থেকে  Passive Voice করার মূল বিষয়ঃ
1.Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এর Subject হবে।
2.Tense  অনুসারে  Auxiliary Verb বসবে।
3 .Main Verb এর Past Participle বসবে।
4.By/Any Other preposition বসবে।
5.Active Voice এর  Subject টি Passive Voice এর Object হিসেবে  Preposition এর পর বসবে।
***Passive Voice থেকে  Active Voice করার সহজ উপায়ঃ
1.Passive Voice এর Object টি  Active Voice এর Subject বসবে ।তবে Object দেয়া না থাকলে  সংগতিপূর্ন Object (We,People,Someone,Somebody) ধরে তাকে Subject করতে হবে।
2.Tense  এর মূল গঠন প্রয়োগ করতে হবে।এসময়ে কিছু  Auxiliary Verb বাদ যায়।
3.Preposition বাদ যাবে।
4.Passive Voice এর  Subject টি Active Voice এর  Object হয়ে যাবে।
Passive Voice এ ব্যবহৃত  Auxiliary Verbs:
1.Active Voice Present Indefinite Tense:Am/Is/Are.
2.Active Voice Past Indefinite        :Was/Were.
3.   ,,         ,,     Present Continuous:Am being/Is being/Are being.
4.   ,,        ,,      Past Continuous      :Was being/Were being.
5.   ,,        ,,      Present Perfect       :Have been/Has been.
6.     ,,        ,,     Past  Perfect           : Had been.
7.     ,,         ,,  Present Perfect Con. :Have been being /Has been being.
8.    ,,          ,,  Modal Auxiliary Verbs: Modal A.V. + be
Note : কোন Noun  Subject/Objectহিসেবে স্থান পরিবর্তন করলে তার  form পরিবর্তন হয় না। তবে Pronoun Subject/Object  হিসেবে স্থান পরিবর্তন করলে তার form পরিবর্তন হয়।Subjective and Objective Form of Proun as follows:
Subjective      - Objective
I/We                - Me/Us.
He/She           -Him/Her.
They/You        -Them/You. 
যেসকল Sentence এর  Voice Change হয়ঃ 1.Assertive Sentence.
                                                                        2.Inerrogative Sentence.
                                                                        3.Imperative Sentence.
                                                                        4.Quassi Pssive.
Assertive Sentence: 1.Active=Subject+verb+Object.
Passive=Object টি Subject হয় +A.V.+V3+By/Preposition+Subject টি  Object হয়।
Active:The teacher teaches us Math.
Passive:Math is taught us by the teacher.
A.He grows paddy.
Passive:Paddy is grown by him.
Active:She killed herself.
Passive:She was killed by herself.
Active:They pleased us.
Passive:We were pleased with them.
Active:He told us that we can use our resources
Passive:We were told by him that our resources can be used by us.
Note:প্রত্যকটি Tense এর জন্য আলাদা নিয়ম না পড়ে উপরের গঠনেই সবগুলো করা যাবে। তবে মনে রাখতে হবে কিছু  verb এর পরে by না বসে অন্য preposition বসে। 
যেমনঃ Contain-In,Please-With/at,Satisfied/Contented-With,Charmed/Marvelled-At,Seized-With,surprised at,shocked at,annoyed at,/with, etc.
Interrogative sentence.
1.Active:Do/Does +Subject +Main Verb +Object + ?
Passive:Am/Is/Are+Object টি Sbject+V3+By/Preposition+Subjectটি Object+?
Active:Does she sing that sweet song?
Passive:Is that sweet song sung by her?
2.Active:Did +Subject+Main verb+Object?
Passive:Was/Were+Object টি Subject +V3+Preposition+Subject টি Object+?
Active.Did you know him?
Passive.Was he known to you?
Note:Assertive sentence ও  Interrogative sentence এর Voice Change same নিয়মেই হয় শুধু  Auxiliary verb Interrogative sentence এ subject এর পূর্বে বসে।
Passive: By whom +A.V.+obj.টি subj. হয়+be/being/been+V3+?               
Active: Who can drive the car?
Passive:By whom can the car be driven?
Active:Who was cultivating the land?
Passive:By whom was the land being cultivated?
4.Whom +A.V.+subject+verb+?
Passive: Who+A.V.+be/being/been+V3+by/preposition+subj.টি obj.হয়+?
Active:Whom are you looking for?
Passive:Who is being looked for by you?
But :What are you doing?
Passive:What is being done by you?
                                    Imperative Sentence:
1.Active:Main verb+object.
Passive:Let+obj.টি subj.হবে +be+V3.
Active:Bring the book.
Passive:Let the book be brought.
Passive:Let+obj. টি subj.হবে+be+V3+for pronoun.
Active:Bring me a pen.
Passive:Let a pen be brought for me.
3.Active:Do not+verb+object.
Passive:Let not +object+be+V3.

Active:Do not look down upon the poor.
Passive:Let not the poor be looked down upon.
4.Active:Let+objective form of pronoun+verb+object.
Active:Let me sing a song.
Passive:Let a song be sung by me.
Passive:You are requested to+V1+object.
Active:Please help the poor man.
Passive:You are requested to help the poor man.
Besides these,
Active:Always speak the truth.
Passive:Let the truth be spoken always.
Active:Never tell a lie.
Passive:Let a lie never be told.
                                    Quassi Passive
না Active না Passive তাকেই বলে  Quassi Passive.যখন কোন অব্যক্তিবাচক/অপ্রনীবাচক নামকে কাজ করছে বলে বুঝানো হয় তখন সেটি Quassi Passive হয়।
OR       :Subject+A.V.+Adjective+When+it/they+A.V.+V3.
Active: My pen writes well.
Passive: My pen is written well.
OR: My pen is well when it is written.
Active: Honey tastes sweet.
Passive: Honey is sweet when it is tasted.
OR: Honey is tasted sweet.
